Design conception
The artistic extension of Eco, Space and Culture
Sunshine, Air, and Water
Welcome to RYBO
RYBO was founded in No. 33, Bund, Shanghai, in 1998. It boasts its portfolio covering design, engineering, education and investment. Our design scope, as well known, covers urban planning, large-scale ecological landscape, advanced commercial architecture, office buildings, luxury residential space and 5 star hotels. Hence our customized services include project planning and overall planning, architectural des···
The First ···
Over 200distinguished guests from design, culture and media field witnessed the end of the first stop of Creative Avant-garde together at this event....
100Designer Unveiling Ceremony was held on Mar.12th. Members of the center and strategic partners witnessed the moment together....
CEO Visit ···
December 20th, RYBO CEO Mr. Ci Yang Xu paied the visit to reknowned architecturer Taoda Ando. ...